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Once in a while, someone comes along.
who just naturally makes everyone feel
a little happier, a little more alive.

You've been that someone to me.
You have given me a new perspective
on a lot of things including myself.

I admire you for so many reasons...
for your warm-hearted nature, for making
our times together, so special, for the way
you let me know I can always share
my feelings with you

There are things you've said to me I'll always
remember and ways you've helped me I'll never
forget. The times we spend together are
always good times, that leave me looking
forward to the next time.

It's good to say in so many words
how you've made my world a little warmer,
a little brighter...a little friendlier.

So thanks for being the wonderful person you are
you are an inspiration to me and I'm very glad
that you've come into my life.

Larry S. Chengges

Friendships dying
 Self Esteem
 Faraway friends
The best worker
 The sandpiper
The trouble tree
Silent night
  Love Me Now
Beauty of friendship
  I got flowers today
A Friend is Always There
 Don't mourn for me
Dad's Love
 Simply friends
Anti Stress
Beauty Aids
Don't Quit
Individual Rights
Around the corner
The Starfish
Kids Pray
The most beautiful flower
What is an angel?
When God made Fathers
Under the Moonlight
 A friend like you
I loved you enough
 Treasured Friend
Don't Quit
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