Is your mailbox and ICQ messages taken up with constant
'virus alerts', rumours, chain letters? Before you hit the forward button
to 'warn' other gullible people, check one of these sites first to find
out if it is for real!
legends and hoaxes
All the virus hoaxes on one page - McAfee
Antivirus Research
Virus Hoax
Computer virus myths
Chain letters
Unfortunately, there are the occasional genuine viruses, but you will get a warning about these on the news or from a genuine news web site. There will be instructions on how to get rid of it or prevention. Antivirus Research Center will have the latest real virus warnings as they occur. Constant forwarding of the bogus ones may make us ignore the genuine virus alerts, so please check the accuracy before you forward anything.
Then there is the constant barrage of ICQ forwards. This
guy has an answer for all of them. He is kept up to date on any new rumours
circulating - so if you are not sure, don't forward and annoy everyone
on your list, email the message to this bloke (at his request). Visit his
site and if necessary, counteract the forwarded rubbish with this URL (
which I have been doing for about a year, but the same people continue
to pass them on:-) I wonder if it has occurred to anyone, that when you
get a warning forward that 'john doe, ICQ# ********* is hacking computers
or sending viruses, that it may have started by someone having a grudge
against this person and when you forward the message , are contributing
to slandering (or is that libelling?) the guy/girl even further?