The Darwin Beer Can Regatta

The Beer Can Regatta is a very popular event with young and old. I had my first glimpse of it in August 2000. The idea is to build a seaworthy craft out of beer cans

As a favorite pastime is sinking a few tinnies to cool down, it doesn't take long to accumulate enough to make a draught model at least:-) And at the end of it all they were well on the way to collecting a few for next year's regatta:-)

The pictured specimens are just a few of the exhibits on the day. we didn't actually stay for the beer can race, as we had a baby with us and there was very little shade around, but we did watch some of the other regatta events for a while.

This is Richelle's first beach visit - she was a little in awe of the sand 
between her toes:-)



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