Why is mommy crying like
Why is daddy sad?
Why is daddy hitting her?
Did I make my daddy mad?
As daddy leaves, mommy comes
over to me,
She says that I'm the reason
she got beat.
Mommy is crying as she lifts
up her hand,
After she hits me, hard
on the floor I land.
She isn't stopping she is
coming at me again,
She says "I'll get you for
what you did young man.
What did I do? What did
I say?
Why does this happen to
me every day?
Mommy goes to bed after she
let her anger out,
Daddy is back and all he
does is shout.
He sees me laying on the
floor covered in my own blood,
I look up and ask him "Why?"
, he kicks me and says "Just Because".
I start to cry, he yells
at me to shut-up,
But for some reason my tears
just don't stop.
He picks me up and locks
me in our closet in he hall,
I can hear them fighting
again through our paper thin walls.
One of them will kill me
I know this is a fact,
No matter how much I
love them I can never change
So last night in my room
I wrote them a note,
I put it in the left pocket
of my old coat.
One last question to them
is all it says,
Mommy and Daddy: will you
love me when I'm Dead.......
Lance Preston Burgess
sits on a rock
Listen to the words
of a child
I got flowers today
Love me now
Give me flowers
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