I'm Looking for a Friend



I'm looking for a friend today,
A friend who'll never stay away.
I want one friend, or maybe two,
But I want a friend who's just like you.

I'm looking for a friend, you see,
A friend who needs someone like me.
I want this friend, I really do,
But I want a friend who's just like you.

I'm looking for a friend sincere,
A friend who'll always bring good cheer.
I want a friend who wants me too,
But I want a friend who's just like you.

I'm looking for a friend who's good,
Who'll do the things a kind friend should.
I want a friend who's happy too,
but I want a friend who's just like you.

I'm looking for a loving friend,
Who will not let our friendship end.
I want a friend who's always true,
I think I've found my friend - IT'S YOU!!


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