When I Think of You

When I think of you,
I think only of how lucky I am to have you in my life.
So many times our paths had come so close, yet never crossed
When they finally did, I knew I belonged in your arms.

The way you smile when I make you laugh
The tender way you hold me near
The look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
All fill me with wonder

I thank heaven every day for the gift of you and your love,
and I hope and dream of our future together
I love you more than I thought possible
Yet my love keeps growing as each day passes.

I belong with you and you with me
and with the love between us
we'll be together for eternity.

by Sarah Rule


So far things have never worked out quite like I had hoped or dreamed they would.
Feelings I have had since long ago have come full circle like I never though they could.
The one true love I knew has never been lost to me completely as I thought long before.
I always wondered what the future would bring and if could bring the key to that door.
I have found again the love and devotion that I once knew  was so deep and completely true.
It is something I have felt all these years, a bond that was strong, real what I knew.
The emotions I feel right now are something I've held deep inside my heart for so very long.
I want to believe they were there for a reason and they will develop into something strong.
These renewed emotions bring with them a flood of
wonderful and beautiful memories.
It brings back the sunsets, beautiful sandy beaches,
blowing wind in the lush, leafy trees.
I feel the warm embraces, warmth of feelings so true and right as if it were yesterday.
I want for all these feelings to become reality again and be with me to forever stay.
There are so many things that need to be sorted through
and thoughts on tying ends.
The one sure thing in all that seems to be going on at this moment is the trust as friends.
I know everyone makes mistakes and does things they
know is not guided by the heart.
Sometimes people let logic get in the way of what is really important just to be smart.
I am not sure what everything means right now or what the future will bring for both of us.
I do know that we deserve total and true happiness and
positive feelings can only be a plus.
I believe with all my heart and soul that everything happens for one reason or another.
I want to believe just as strongly that it's because we were meant to follow that road together.
by Liz Kirts
More Than You Know

I'd like to tell you
how much I love you,
and I hope you know that I do...
I wish that the words I speak
so gently to you could be
heard by your heart
with the same meanings
and the same soft feelings of love
that they carry from deep within me.

For more than you know ...
I love so many things about you.
More than just the way you hold me
and the warmth you give;
I enjoy sharing life with you.
I enjoy the way we balance each other out,
how we share the good times
and support each other through the tears.
I enjoy the knowledge that we'll make it
through whatever life brings
with courage and with love
through the years.

More than you know ...
and more than I can ever say,
I feel a wonderful thankfulness
in my heart ... just for you.
And I want you to remember, though
my thoughts don't always convey
and my feelings don't always show,
I love you, and I always will ..
more than you know.
by Andrew Tawney

(Reflections) (Self Esteem) (Farfriends) (The sandpiper) (Beauty) (Inspiration) (Kids Prayers) (Mother) (Friendship) (Love Me Now) (Love Poems) (Dad's Love) (Friends) (Friends2) (Friends3) (Learning) (Stress) (Beauty Aids) (Don't Quit)
(Individual Rights) (Around the corner) (The Starfish) (Kids Pray)
(The most beautiful flower) (A Friend is Always There) (Special Gifts)
(What is an angel?) (What life is about) (A friend like you)
(When God made Fathers) (Treasured Friend) (I loved you enough)
(Under the Moonlight) (Lessons learned)  (The Gift of Life) (Home)
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